Friday, June 5, 2009

Turtles Breathe a Sigh of Relief with New Eco Fishing Tech

WWF has found that a new fish technology is proving to save turtles while not affecting eco fish catches. Simply changing from the conventional Just hook to circular hooks has been helpful in releasing turtles accidentally hooked.

MOISES Mug from WWF said that using circular hooks is the right choice as it does not even hamper the economy of artisan fisheries.

Reports suggest that the alternate Eco fishing method has brought about a significant trend in by catch reduction and where marine turtle by catch has been reduced by 89% per thousand hooks.

It was quite a relief to find that ninety-Live per cent of turtles caught while fishing were recovered alive and the fishing ability of the circle hook was as good as the J-shaped.
Indeed a strong example to show how conservation and industry can work hand in hand for a better and greener life.

“Our goal is to reduce the incidental catch of marine turtles from the long-line fishing operations without affecting the fisheries activity which is a main source of food and income for local communities,”

“This programme is going beyond an initial focus of saving sea turtles from bycatch, and is creating the groundwork toward sustainable artisanal long-line fishing in the eastern Pacific,”

“By working co-operatively, collecting data and learning how to improve practices, this programme is living proof that conservation and industry can work together for sustainability.” Via


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