Friday, February 27, 2009

Increase in the Municipalities Renewable

While the Italian government is thrown into nuclear territories give quite different signals. This report came to the fourth edition, says that there are almost semi, 2800 more than last year, the Italian municipalities that have at least a renewable energy facility installed in their territory. Yet despite this the procedures for authorization of the facilities are not easy, and yet lack of national guidelines for the approval of projects, and is a strong need to encourage the integration of renewable into buildings, all of which favor the spread. The most widely used renewable source is the solar thermal and photovoltaic. Nearly 700 municipalities that have installations of mini-hydroelectric, biomass than 600, 245 have 73 wind turbines and geothermal. The most virtuous behavior and worthy of note comes from small communities, which often are able to cover almost the entire energy needs with renewable sources. Via

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